Living our faith in Christ is not just for Sundays…

“Where I’m terrified by what I am for you, I am given comfort by what I am with you. For you I am a bishop, with you, after all, I am a Christian. The first is the name of an office undertaken, the second a name of grace; that one means danger, this one salvation.”

Saint Augustine

Well, I’m not a bishop, but the sentiment expressed by St. Augustine is just as true for a priest.

Being a Christian is certainly a “name of grace” for which I am grateful. I am in as much need of salvation as the next person. As a Christian, I share this journey with others who follow Christ.

Also by the grace of God, I am a priest. The Church considers the Sacrament of Holy Orders to be a “Sacrament at the Service of Communion.” My responsibility as a priest is a sacred and grave duty. It “means danger” for me should I be neglectful in any way. This blog is an effort on my part to provide another avenue for preaching and teaching with the hope of leading others to Christ. I offer these reflections in the hope that they may be useful for your growth in faith. I should add that as a priest I profess fidelity to Christ as this faith is expressed in the Scriptures, Tradition, and authentic teaching authority of the Church. Should I write anything contrary to these, then ignore what I say and please offer a prayer for my conversion.

“Come, have breakfast.”

John 21 has been one of the most impactful parts of the Gospel for me personally. Jesus’ conversation with Peter and the threefold “Do you love me? - Feed my sheep” dialogue was of particular importance to me as I was preparing for ordination. Just a few verses before that is another favorite. Jesus invites the apostles to breakfast. There is something so close and familiar about that image of just having breakfast. As I mentioned in the other column, our life with Christ is in the everyday. And you can hardly get more “everyday” than breakfast.

Not just for Sunday…

Our faith in Christ cannot be relegated to Sundays only as if it were just another box to check off for the week. Our faith in Christ is also not a decoration we bring out for special occasions. Christ calls us to follow him. That call is meant to permeate every aspect of our lives without exception. My hope is to offer reflections on how Christ is very much present and alive in daily life. While I hope this blog will be another fruitful outlet for my ministry as a priest, I am also doing this for the more personal reason of giving myself an opportunity to reflect more deeply on God’s work in my life. Often when I preach it is as much to myself as to those who are listening.

Father Joseph Delka was ordained a priest in 2015 for the Diocese of Salt Lake City. He is currently the pastor of St. Andrew Catholic Church and School in Riverton, and is also the Director of Vocations for the Diocese.